Flowers: Perfect For Fireplace Decor

While it’s easy to see how to make your fireplace a focal point in the winter months, when you can get a roaring fire going in the grate, in the summer this can often be a neglected part of your living room.


However, there are a few things you can do to make sure it looks stunning all year round, including making use of flowers to enhance its appearance.


Speaking to the Daily Commercial, designer Marika Meyer explained that she likes to change the plants or flowers in her fireplace to reflect the season.


She suggested using peace lilies in the summer, and swapping to evergreens as the weather begins to turn. Another favourite among her clients is a big bowl of blue hydrangeas. She also uses cut birch logs in her own fireplace to decorate it when it’s not being used.


However, she said you shouldn’t neglect what goes on your mantel piece either, with plenty of options here for sprucing up your interior and drawing attention to your marble fireplaces.


“I have a lot of fun doing my mantels; I look at flea markets and consignment stores for interesting objects,” Ms Meyer said.


You can change the objects every few months, and you may even want to use some flowers similar to those in the fireplace itself to bring it all together. A small vase with some blooms in can look lovely on a mantel piece and make the room look fresh and bright.


Another way to draw attention to your fireplace is to use lighting. One interior designer recently told the Telegraph that she believes this is a very underused feature of interior design and noted that uplighters work particularly well for fireplaces and mantels.