Wintry Weather On The Way!
Don’t pack your Edwardian fireplaces up for the year – it looks like the winter hasn’t quite finished with us yet! You might well have noticed that the temperatures have dropped and even spotted sleet and snow during the day this week, so make sure you’ve still got a hearty supply of wood and kindling, just in case colder climes continue.
People all over the UK have been reporting winter showers, hail storms and thunder, so be wise and don’t leave the house without sensible footwear and a coat, even if the sun is shining. It seems like the weather is very changeable at the moment and you don’t want to get caught out!
Meteorologist at the Met Office Emma Sharpels was quoted by the Daily Express as saying: “It’s fairly typical of weather in April, where you get a bit of everything and you get more active systems. Temperatures have been below average for this time of year because we have had the weather coming through from the Arctic. We had some snowfall in areas of Scotland and the north of England of around 4-8cm (1.5 to 3in).”
If you’re planning on going away for the May Bank Holiday in just a few days’ time, be aware that the forecast for the north and the west of the UK includes rain, while London and the south-east might enjoy a spot of sunshine.
It all looks a bit unsettled to us here at Victoriana Fireplaces so perhaps bunker down for the weekend with a lovely roaring fire, some hot chocolate and a good book – the perfect relaxing Bank Holiday!